I just finished reading two novels that family historians might enjoy. Both feature women whose lives were shaped by their outspoken natures that clashed with their surroundings. The reader faces the question, “Why would these forceful women go silent when faced with such dire situations?” Yet, the two stories are very different.

Why did this independent woman not speak up at the time to clear her name and reputation? Although not a genealogy book, Monroe presents various research techniques and resources in her search, including old newspapers, diaries, family papers, personal interviews, photographs, an old letter, and finally, DNA. She also reveals the conflict with her friend and Watkins’ granddaughter, Belle, who asked her to let her grandmother rest and to not “stir up the mud.” I would recommend the book if you’d like something to read on a trip or vacation. Or if you have friends or family who don’t understand your obsession with family research, it might provide them with a better understanding of why we keep looking for facts to explain what really happened. As a side benefit, my father loved to fly fish, and the story provided me with more insight into why he enjoyed the sport.

As a descendant of Martha, I had difficulty reading the book. Like her daughter, I wanted to plead with Martha, “Don’t be so stubborn. Just confess and possibly save your life. Your family needs you!” However, having researched this family, I believe Martha would have been hanged regardless of whether or not she confessed. In Wonders of the Invisible World Cotton Mather calls her "this rampant hag" and "agreed that the Devil had promised her she should be Queen of Hell." The judges used spectral evidence to convict mostly women of witchcraft.
I found the story as written by Kathleen Kent generally adhering to the written record except for a few points. She makes the daughter ten years old and a twin of brother Thomas, rather than seven and a half years old, which Sarah would have been at the time of the trials. Also she refers to son Andrew as slow, possibly having some mental defect, which I have not found in the records. I would be happy to share information with others who descend from Martha Allen Carrier.
Kent is apparently working on her second novel about Thomas Carrier, alias Morgan. If anyone is aware of any surviving male Carrier descendants, it would be wonderful to have them participate in a DNA study so that we can possibly learn more about Thomas Carrier’s origins, purportedly from Wales.
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