04 January 2013

Women in the Civil War -- Images

A friend on FB pointed out a wonderful site, In the Swan’s Shadow, and associated Facebook page, Civil War Women/In the Swan’s Shadow, which focuses on Women in the Civil War, in images. 

Once I saw these images, I became very curious to know what other resources exist for the images of women during the Civil War.  We often see images of men who served and not so much of the women.  Having done a fair amount of Civil War research, including reading personal diaries and letters about conditions at “home,” I have concluded that many women were just struggling to support their families and lived a very hard life both during the war and afterwards.

If images of women from the Civil War interest you, check out these additional resources:

Google Search Composite
I also found “Women Soldiers of the Civil War” as published in Prologue (NARA magazine) a fascinating read.

What resources would you suggest to someone interested in Women in the Civil War, whether on the home front or serving elsewhere?

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1 comment:

  1. One of my collateral ancestors was a noted Confederate spy in Sebastian County, Arkansas--Mattie McSweeney. She smuggled contraband in her numerous petticoats along with information on the Union occupation of Fort Smith, city and fort ... My grandmother was named for her infamous aunt.

    Mary Clement Douglass
    Transcribing & publishing Kansas genealogical records
    URL: www.historical-matters.com
