17 November 2011

Important Changes to Social Security Death Index

Effective 01 November 2011 the Social Security Administration (SSA) changed its policy on what records it will use as source material for adding new entries in the Public Death Master File (DMF) which, in turn, is used to create the Social Security Death Index (SSDI).

The Agency decided that it can no longer use state death records to add new entries to the DMF.  Furthermore, the SSA will remove approximately 4.2 million records currently on the SSDI because those entries were made based on information from state death records. 

The Social Security Administration has produced a fact sheet [my computer doesn’t recognize the format and hopefully yours will!]

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  1. Thomas MacEntee, High-Definition Genealogy, http://hidefgen.com, kindly pointed out that the fact-sheet document is in .docx format -- and for some reason my computer persists in ignoring it and Thomas so kindly created a .doc version so that I could read it!

  2. for many of the gov docs, IBM lotus symphony program can handle them...go to the IBM site..free small program

  3. Try saving the file with the extension .rtf (Rich Text File) and you can view it with any text editor.
