As part of a special partnership between the National Genealogical Society and Archives.com, all NGS members will receive a complementary three-month membership to Archives.com ($20 retail value). Details and access instructions have been emailed to all NGS members.
Archives.com is a relatively new family history website, but they’ve already managed to compile over 1.2 billion records, online family tree tools, a community forum, and lots of other resources – all of which are available at no cost to members as part of this complimentary membership. Also included is unlimited viewing of millions of original census and vital records. However, some services and documents provided by other companies to Archives.com such as contact information reports, on-site court record retrieval and Footnote images are not free; this information is available on a fee per document basis. NGS has a number of new members who are just beginning family history research, and this gives them an opportunity to search the Archives.com indexes for free and become familiar with various record groups.
Here is the announcement written by Archives.com:
PALO ALTO, CALIF. - May 27, 2010 - Archives.com, a website devoted to making family history simple and affordable, announced today that they have donated complimentary three month memberships to all 9,000 members of the National Genealogical Society (NGS). These complimentary memberships give NGS members unlimited access to over 1.2 billion records on Archives.com, as well as online family tree software, Expert Series articles, hours of professional tutorial videos, and other exclusive benefits.
"Working in cooperation with non-profit organizations like the National Genealogical Society is a great way to provide family history resources to the people that value them most," says Joe Godfrey, Product Manager for Archives.com. Added Jan Alpert, President of NGS; "Archives' mission is to make family history records more accessible and affordable, and NGS is excited to work with them towards this shared goal."
Archives.com is proud to make such a significant donation to NGS members, and will continue to explore ways to give back to the genealogy community. As part of this partnership, Archives.com will also donate complimentary memberships to anyone who joins NGS during the following 6 months. To learn more about NGS and the additional benefits of membership, visit the NGS website.
About Archives.com
Archives.com is a leading family history Web site that makes discovering family history simple and affordable. The company has assembled more than 1.2 billion historical records – birth, death, marriage, divorce, census, obituary, immigration, military and more – all in a single location, and makes them available at a price that’s up to 80 percent less than the leading competitor. Archives also partners with other leading family history websites to provide integrated record collections, discounted memberships, official certificates and other special promotions – providing a comprehensive resource for researching your family history. Archives.com is free to try for seven days, allowing anyone to explore the benefits of membership without risk or obligation. For more information and to start discovering your family history, please visit www.Archives.com.
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