05 October 2012

What's Your Number (of ancestors)? Don't Be Too Shocked if It's Below 30%!

Image as appeared with original article

This provocative title was used by Lorine McGinnis Schulze in her Olive Tree Genealogy Blog.

It’s a great read about how many ancestors we have and how many (or shall we say how few) are often found by even experienced genealogists?

The article ends by saying ...

Not having a high percentage of found ancestors is obviously not related to how experienced a genealogist you are or how long you've been researching, so there's no shame attached to a low number. It's just an interesting exercise that points out that genealogy research is never done! And that's what makes genealogy so much fun and so addictive. There's always something more to find.

And now if you'll excuse me I'm off to find my missing 71%!
Do read the whole post and don’t forget to check out the comments also!  I particularly like Perry’s comment ...

I guess I'm more of a family historian than ancestor finder. I've spent a lot of time documenting up through my 3rd great grandparents, where I know 30/32, and gathering all the records, photographs, and stories about their families and descendants.

Many years ago I realized that for my emigrant mutt family, I was going to be more successful if I focused on those who emigrated and learned all about their lives here since many who emigrated, especially from Galicia (now Poland and Russia) region, probably won’t be found in any surviving documents!

What’s your number?

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