07 February 2013

Policy Change for Patrons Requesting Photocopies From the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah

Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj04eJ56rvrqjj62b52JX4mt6igYqKXET7Hhsn9Sw9i48vneG3uwfLRtrzgUB2XnTfEVpqPCd46c21JwC8v8qYIv9cX_34nyKOTE2bjRfpSLQ84MQAJeN43AN-skysWUxgXUMsVIZ7ltjA/s1600/photocopy.jpg
So many genealogists visit the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, including through NGS sponsored research trips, that we wanted to let you know about some changes in how photocopies are handled. This information was posted on the FamilySearch blog. You can subscribe to this blog by selecting a choice under the “comment” box.

All requests for information copied from films, book pages, CDs, marriage, death or birth certificates, wills and/or deeds, etc. will be copied in digital format and emailed to patrons in a zipped PDF or JPG file format. There is no charge for this service if we are able to email to information to patrons.

If a patron does not have an email address, we can mail the information to the patron using the US Postal Service.  However, as much as possible, we will rely on emailing all requests for information through the internet. If patrons do not own a computer or do not have an email address, they can request to have the information emailed to their local Family History Center, where they can print the information at the center.

Patrons should request copies by emailing their request to [email protected].  All requests MUST include the following information:

Film or Fiche number
Item number
Name of Individual(s) referred to in the record
Title of the record
Name of parents, spouse, grantor, grantee, etc.
Event type (Birth, Death or Marriage)
Complete event date and place
Event place (county, parish, township, etc.)
Volume or page number
Registration or Certificate Number
Any other information that will help us locate your record.

If you regularly research the Family History Library in SLC, please do share any other important information or “tips” for those planning a research trip.

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